Udderly Ridiculous Goat's Milk Ice Cream & Udderly Ridiculous Farm Life
Udderly Ridiculous Goat Milk Ice Cream believes in high-quality ingredients, in building relationships with suppliers and in honouring the labour of love that goes into every part of this process. Which is why they're also learning that it takes a community to create ice cream this good. Making ice cream this way is definitely more work but they believe it’s well worth the effort.
Greg and Cheryl Haskett launched Udderly Ridiculous Goat Milk Ice Cream in spring 2019, inspired by the goats on their 200-acre, third-generation family farm in Oxford County, Ontario. Udderly Ridiculous Goat Milk Ice Cream is available in six sophisticated flavours at a growing number of retailers in Ontario. It all began in 2015 while writing a business plan to expand and modernize their 3rd generation family farm. As the plan unfolded a larger vision emerged. How could the farm become more than a primary producer of raw ingredients? How could they give back to the community?
Since Greg had always wanted to have a product from the farm, and Cheryl loved to cook discussions began – lots of people were venturing into cheese-making with the popularity of goat cheeses, and of course there were the soaps – however, they really wanted to bring something different, fun and something very few people were doing – Goat Milk Ice Cream.
As many businesses experienced the pandemic presented a challenge for a small new brand when there were no events, sampling or ways to interact with consumers. Udderly couldn't go to consumers so they provided what many were asking for - allowing consumers to visit the farm and engage not only with the ice cream but with goats, alpacas and in depth experiences around agriculture and food. They launched Udderly Ridiculous Farm Life July 2021 and have already won awards for their work taking home Innovator of the Year from Southwest Ontario Tourism.
Udderly Ridiculous Goat Milk Ice Cream Instagram | Facebook
Udderly Ridiculous Farm Life Instagram | Facebook